The RLTP Replanetizer

The Regional Land Transport Plan sets Tamaki Makaurau’s priorities over a 10 year period, with 3 yearly reviews. So it’s critical to climate, choice, and safety for at the very least… 3 years. Much is constrained by govt’s regressive GTP and fiscal limitations, and while there’s a healthy emphasis on public transport, we also see car-centric $inkholes, and cycling and climate concerns are unambitious, to say the least.

Our job here is to affirm the good, and challenge AT, NZTA, Council, and by extension govt – to be much more ambitious for modeshift.




Individual / Org




Your Local Board




Challenges Identified?




Priorities Missing?


  • Fast & Connected
  • Resilient
  • Productive
  • Safe
  • Sustainable
  • Cycling Infrastructure
  • Priorities equal

We suggest any of:

  • Cycling Infrastructure
  • Sustainable
  • Safe



Pick 1




Pick 1



Project Types


We suggest…

  • Public Transport… 3
  • Walking & Cycling… 1
  • Safety… 2
  • Local Roads… 4
  • StateHighways… 5



Other Projects


What To Lose

What To Add


LOSE: Consider: RoNS – Mill Rd, East-West Highway (the most expensive road project in world history) 

ADD: Consider: A gamechanging number of cycling projects could be advanced in place of just the RoNS scoping work…

  • Henderson Cycleways
  • Carrington Rd Improvements
  • Meadowbank Kohimarama Connectivity (Gowing Drive)
  • Glen Innes Links
  • Lake Road/Esmonde Rd Improvements
  • Glen Innes to Tāmaki Drive Stage 4
  • Albert & Vincent St Improvements
  • Glenvar Road/East Coast Road Intersection
  • The PT & active modes parts of Waitematā Harbour Connections. Consider tunnel component
  • Community Network Improvements (micro fixes wtd by community & board eg calming, lighting)


Comments Y/N


Create feedback around your primary concerns using the Comment Creator below e.g. Climate, Cycleways, Car Depedency.


About Me


My demographics

Comment Creator

Number of Answers

Provide additional feedback

The tool is still fairly beta and will be getting more tuning. If the initial result doesn’t give immediate results, or gets weird, repeat creation or vary settings. And ou may need to do a little clean up anyway. Do check wording (play with alternatives or just repeat) and tweak to taste.

Now, when you’re happy, copy and pop over to paste your comments & recommendations seperately over on Have Your Say.

Mahi nui! If you have any issues or feedback please do drop us a note here.

Got submission fatigue?  We’ve made a tool to express your concerns in a fraction of the time you’d expect


Another acronym? What’s the RLTP?
AT’s Regional Land Transport Plan sets priorities and maps transport investment in our city for ne​​xt decade. It correctly identifies most of the challenges we are facing, but abandons meeting climate goals and virtually ignores active modes.

The Plan gets reviewed every 3 years, but kickstarts some expensive, difficult to stop projects. Funding comes through AT , other Council agencies, and Waka Kotahi NZTA. So the budget is split between a on-discretionary (and regressive) part and an ‘optional’ part, provisional on Waka Kotahi coming to the party.

Who Decides?
The RLTP was drafted by Auckland Transport (AT) with input from, Council, NZTA etc. It’s ultimately approved by Council but is supposed to follow those very regressive directives from the current Govt. This, and a professed shortage of cash, AT says, constrains what they can do. 

What’s in it? 
Public Transport has been elevated somewhat, but for all AT’s talk about safety and choice; there’s only 1% for walking and cycling – far, far short of the UN recommended 20%. This while billions are funnelled into new highway projects which will only increase car use.. 

Flaws & Opportunities
AT says they’re short of money but the plan still includes funding the most expensive roading project in human history. This comes at a great opportunity cost to cycling & walking, and climate action. 

Even if this is being pushed by National government this consultation is an opportunity to send a message directly to the parties, and by extension Govt, that much, much more fundamental change is required; after 70 years of car-centric investment, contributing to the crisis we face now. 

And it’s important even to achieve the better bits of the current plan, which will need Whaka Kotahi buy-in.

The budget doesn’t align with the priorities AT correctly identified. With so little commitment to active modes, little meaningful progress can be made on “Fast & Connected, Resilient, Productive, Safe, or Sustainable region”. Not to mention personal mobility at large.

It’s important that as many people as possible get their voice heard (and hey, you don’t have to be voting age!).

That’s why we created this tool to make it as easy & quick as possible for anyone. Please do get your voice heard for closing night, Monday 17th, and encourage others to do too.

Kia Kaha.

Summary draft RLTP 2024-2034
Full draft RLTP 2024-2034
Map of proposed projects
Have your say Submission Form

Greater Auckland deep dive
The Spinoff’s RLTP rundown
The Project Budget Breakdown (PDF)

Greater Auckland submission guide
Bike Auckland’s Guide 
Climate Club submission guide

Get an overview on the Plan.

AT’s RLTP Have Your Say form is a 10 parter – but most are simple Y/N multi choice, ending with an open-ended comment invitation.

That’s where we come in.

Submissions close Monday 17th.

Yep – there’s a fair bit of back end behind these tools! If you want to help enable other initiatives like this, you could pop over and pick out some some declarewear or at least just follow @changegearnz, on a feed near you.